antivirus system for your body

Meet Team Clash
Our Solution

ComImmunity is like antivirus software only for your body. With our innovative drug-free method we fight the virus itself and not just the symptoms. In the video below, we show the basic concept. By collecting user’s virus and antibody data it is possible to give your immune system a boost by providing help from people who have already shown a successful immune response if your body is not able to fight the virus on its own.
Summary Visualisation

Clara is a Biomedical Engineering Master student at the University of Applied Science in Mannheim. During her studies, she focused on high-frequency hardware-based medical research and medical imaging. She is looking forward to the challenge to “clash” the CERN technologies with the SDGs.

Manuel did his bachelor degree in Mechatronics. Now he studies Informational Technology. He loves to be creative and to prototype; corresponding to his mechatronic studies he always tries to „clash“ the different disciplines, mechanic, electronic and Information Technology.

Mariya is in her sixth semester studying communication design at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. In her studies, she concentrates on UX/UI and brand design. She “clashes” innovation with a clean design. When she’s not designing, she can be found drinking coffee and watching bad movies.